Saturday 26 December 2015

My Goals For 2016

My goals for 2016:

  • Meet 5sos
  • Finish learning Elvish or at least learning Quenya
  • Buy more merch
  • Do well in my exams...?!
  • Binge watch Sherlock 
  • Finish reading the last books from the Chronicles of Narnia 
  • Find out where my Hogwarts letter is
  • Go to Hogwarts 
  • Make more Tumblr edits
  • Post more frequently...?
  • Have more pyjama days
  • Rewatch BBCs Merlin
  • Convince Halsey to perform in Northern Ireland or even Ireland... I don't mind driving down to Dublin to see her perform, but I don't have the money to get a plane over to England to see her!
  • Gain more blog views...?!
  • Find more fandoms (I will probably regret this)
  • Get a midnight screening for 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!'
  • Marry Ashton Irwin
  • Join a band 
  • Win an Oscar 
  • Win a Grammy 
  • Have a group hug with the 5sos fam
  • Go on holiday somewhere out of Europe (I've never been out of Europe so that would be awesome)
  • Learn parseltongue 
  • Bake an awesome fandom themed cake
  • Make ice cream 
  • Persuade someone to join one of my fandoms
  • Ignore the haters
  • Make people smile

These are just a few of my 'fangirl goals' for 2016. While some of them are serious others are just a bit of a laugh/ things fangirls want to do! Hope you all have a wonderful New Year and my next post will be next Saturday, the 2nd of January 2016! 
-El x

Saturday 19 December 2015

How To Speak Fangirl!

WARNING EXPLICIT LANGUAGE - the following post contains expletives (swear words) read at your own risk!

Being a fangirl I am well aware that it's almost like an entirely different language when a fangirl speaks. For those of you who are not quite sure what all this fangirl 'nonsense' is I have made a list of terms that fangirls use so you can work out what the actual f*ck we are saying!
  • Fangirl - a girl who is a fan.
  • Fanboy - a boy who is a fan (they do exist you know!).
  • Fangirling - the art of being a fangirl .
  • Fandom - the community formed by fans of a band, TV show, book, movie, etc.
  • Fanfiction - stories created and written by fans of the band, TV show, book, etc.
  • asdfghjkl - this group of letters can be used for a number of reasons: 

1. You can't believe what you just heard and are now fangirling like crazy.
2. When you don't know how to express your feeling so ur just asdfghjkl af!
3. Boredom.

  • af - as fuck e.g. I'm always feeling 5sos af!
  • Idek - I don't even know.
  • Ship - short for relationship e.g. I ship Dan and Phil.
  • OTP - only true pairing! This is when you have one ultimate ship in your particular fandom! However, your typical fangirl has about 7 per fandom, so don't worry about how many you have!
  • BroTP - refers to two favourite characters who are best friends. 
  • FoeTP - a pair of characters who make the perfect enemies.
  • NoTP - the least favourite pairing of characters.
  • Canon - means official and can be used in two particular ways: 

1. The pairing that is your OTP or whom you ship actually start a relationship e.g. My OTP just went canon!
2. In terms of fanfiction it's the original body of work in which that fanfiction came from e.g. Her fanfiction idea came from the canon storyline of Merlin.

  • Peasant - specifically directed to those who don't use Tumblr, but can be used to describe people who don't like/don't appreciate your fandom.
  • Feels - short for feelings, it is an intense array of emotions towards something that you are passionate about e.g. When I heard Phan was real I couldn't control all the feels!
  • I can't - when you are over come with emotion.
  • So done - same definition as 'I can't'.
  • I hate your face - uttered by fangirls when someone is ridiculously attractive. 
  • What is air - used when you are laughing so hard that you can't breath.
  • Smut - fanfiction that is of an erotic nature.
  • Rp - short for role play. A way in which fangirls interact that involves them pretending to be a character from their fandom, can often involve a large group of people.
  • OOC - out of character. Often stated when you break character in a role play for a bit e.g. OOC: I just ate some really good chocolate chip cookies! 
  • Life ruiner - someone so perfect that they ruin your life.
  • Y/n - your name. Often used in fanfiction.
  • Fanfic/fic - short for fanfiction.
  • Crossover - when characters from different fandoms interact, usually in a fanfiction.
  • Drown in my tears - when a fangirl is emotional over something, usually the death of one of her favourite characters.
  • AU - alternate universe .
  • BAMF - bad ass mother fucker.
  • ATTHS - and then they had sex. Often used in fanfiction when the writer doesn't want to write an explicit sex scene.
  • IRL - in real life.
Hope this helps and if you think that there are some that I missed please let me know in the comments!

Till next time... Bye!

-El x

Sunday 13 December 2015

The Harry Potter Tag

1. Favourite book?
Has to be Order of the Phoenix!

2. Favourite movie?
Deathly Hallows part 2 because of the epic finale!

3. Least favourite book?
Chamber of Secrets, I just feel it wasn't very exciting compared to the rest of the book. But hey that's just my opinion.

4. Least favourite movie?
Probably Goblet of Fire - I don't feel that they did the book justice.

5. Parts of the books/movies that made you cry?
Sirius' death, Dobby's death, Fred's death, Hedwig's death, Lupin's death... basically every horrific death J.K. Rowling wrote, damn you Jo for all those tears you made me shed and all the pain you inflicted on me! Just kidding I love you Jo *bows down in front of shrine*

6. If you could hook up with any HP character who would it be?
Fred or George - they would be so funny!

7. Favourite character?
Apart from the golden trio it would have to be Sirius.

8. Least favourite character?
James Potter, especially after seeing how horrible he was to Snape. Speaking of  good old Snapey, let me know in the comments if you like him or not and state your reasons - just out of curiosity, plus I want to see if it will start a comment war! :D

9. Least favourite line?
In the fifth movie when Bellatrix has killed Sirius and she runs out calling, "I killed Sirius Black!" or when Fred says, "When I get married I'm going to put a full Body-Bind curse on mum till it's over." 

"When I get married..." *digs a whole climbs into it and drowns in my tears*

10. Favourite line?
Everything Fred and George say... There are so many, but I'm only going to name one:
"Ron! A prefect! That's everyone in the family", Mrs Weasley said. "What are Fred and I, next door neighbours?" said George.

Although this one isn't said by Fred or George I love it:
"You have the emotional range of a teaspoon," -Hermione

11. What your Patronus be?
I don't know... a unicorn? What would yours be, comment it below and tell me why.

12. If you could have the Resurrection Stone, Invisibility Cloak or the Elder Wand which would you choose?
Definitely the Invisibility Cloak, think of all the 5sos concerts you could sneak into (or concerts in general, it doesn't have to be 5sos, it's just whatever floats your boat!)

13. What house would you be in?

14. If you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?
EMMA WATSON! *fangirls*

15. Have you played any of the video games?
Yes, Order of the Phoenix, Deathly Hallow part 1 and Deathly Hallows Part 2. (being a nerd at its finest :,)  )

16. If you were in the Quidditch team what position would you play?
Despite the fact the I am short sited (can't see anything that's more than five feet away even if my life depended on it!) I would want to play seeker.

17. Were you happy with the ending?
Nope! I hate the way it finished with them all grown up and everything is perfectly fine because now there is no chance of a sequel - I know J.K Rowling never wanted to write one but still... Also I hate the way there were so many deaths in the Battle of Hogwarts. I know it makes it realistic, but why make us go through so much pain helplessly watching some of the most loveable characters be killed off? RIP Fred, Lupin, Tonks and everyone else who died! *Goes back to the hole I dug earlier and starts drowning in tears again!*

18. How much does HP mean to you?
It was my childhood and I will never forget it! (cliché fangirl much)

Well that's it! Let me know if there are any other tags you want me to do. Know I tag you to do the Harry Potter tag! Let me know in the comments if you do it! 

Hope you all have a lovely day! 

-El x

Monday 7 December 2015

Can A Fangirl Live Without Tumblr?

I had been doing some thinking recently. Pondering on whether or not fandoms were taking up too much of my life - if they were preventing me from studying for my exams and all that jazz! After a while I decided to do something about it. I decided to start studying more and go on my accounts less and I began deleting apps that would distract me and so on. Then in the whole spur of the moment sort of thing I went to the account settings on Tumblr and promptly hit the 'Delete Account' button. I didn't even flinch!
About a good week later, I came crawling back - like a some stereotypical ex! It was a Saturday evening with nothing to do and the whole 'I'm going to start studying and stop fangirling' dream, dead. Naturally my first thought was to go on to social media, but finding every app deleted due to my 'spur of the moment', I ended up clicking on Safari and going on to the login page for Tumblr. I typed in my username and password and... Nothing! After about a billion tries it occurred to me that when you click the 'Delete Account' button it actually does delete your account (nice going there Einstein!)
Then tears were shed, as full of sorrow I began to create a new account. Then I had to refollow everyone, however I had had enough trauma for one night and quickly followed 5sos before promptly logging off.
So many friends that I had made were gone! All the edits I had posted were gone! Traumatic much (for a fangirl, very)!
Since that horrible day I've been on Tumblr everyday because I love Tumblr and being that stereotypical ex, I was begging for it to take me back (OK, not begging because that would be weird and rather sad, but I'm just trying to put it into some sort of context)! :'D
Moral of the story is:
1. Appreciate Tumblr and your other accounts
2. Never ever click that 'Delete Account' button unless you really mean it
3. Fangirls CANNOT live without their Tumblr accounts
4. Don't do anything in a 'spur of the moment', you will most probably regret it later
5. Follow me on Tumblr (that's technically not a moral of this story, but, "Get that promo!" ~ a quote by a YouTuber, can't remember which one though :-/ )

I'll admit that this was a weird and slightly bizarre post, but just felt I should share that with you! ;)
If you have any 'traumatising' stories like mine feel free to share them in the comments!
Till next time... Bye!

-El x