WARNING EXPLICIT LANGUAGE - the following post contains expletives (swear words) read at your own risk!
Being a fangirl I am well aware that it's almost like an entirely different language when a fangirl speaks. For those of you who are not quite sure what all this fangirl 'nonsense' is I have made a list of terms that fangirls use so you can work out what the actual f*ck we are saying!
- Fangirl - a girl who is a fan.
- Fanboy - a boy who is a fan (they do exist you know!).
- Fangirling - the art of being a fangirl .
- Fandom - the community formed by fans of a band, TV show, book, movie, etc.
- Fanfiction - stories created and written by fans of the band, TV show, book, etc.
- asdfghjkl - this group of letters can be used for a number of reasons:
1. You can't believe what you just heard and are now fangirling like crazy.
2. When you don't know how to express your feeling so ur just asdfghjkl af!
3. Boredom.
- af - as fuck e.g. I'm always feeling 5sos af!
- Idek - I don't even know.
- Ship - short for relationship e.g. I ship Dan and Phil.
- OTP - only true pairing! This is when you have one ultimate ship in your particular fandom! However, your typical fangirl has about 7 per fandom, so don't worry about how many you have!
- BroTP - refers to two favourite characters who are best friends.
- FoeTP - a pair of characters who make the perfect enemies.
- NoTP - the least favourite pairing of characters.
- Canon - means official and can be used in two particular ways:
1. The pairing that is your OTP or whom you ship actually start a relationship e.g. My OTP just went canon!
2. In terms of fanfiction it's the original body of work in which that fanfiction came from e.g. Her fanfiction idea came from the canon storyline of Merlin.
- Peasant - specifically directed to those who don't use Tumblr, but can be used to describe people who don't like/don't appreciate your fandom.
- Feels - short for feelings, it is an intense array of emotions towards something that you are passionate about e.g. When I heard Phan was real I couldn't control all the feels!
- I can't - when you are over come with emotion.
- So done - same definition as 'I can't'.
- I hate your face - uttered by fangirls when someone is ridiculously attractive.
- What is air - used when you are laughing so hard that you can't breath.
- Smut - fanfiction that is of an erotic nature.
- Rp - short for role play. A way in which fangirls interact that involves them pretending to be a character from their fandom, can often involve a large group of people.
- OOC - out of character. Often stated when you break character in a role play for a bit e.g. OOC: I just ate some really good chocolate chip cookies!
- Life ruiner - someone so perfect that they ruin your life.
- Y/n - your name. Often used in fanfiction.
- Fanfic/fic - short for fanfiction.
- Crossover - when characters from different fandoms interact, usually in a fanfiction.
- Drown in my tears - when a fangirl is emotional over something, usually the death of one of her favourite characters.
- AU - alternate universe .
- BAMF - bad ass mother fucker.
- ATTHS - and then they had sex. Often used in fanfiction when the writer doesn't want to write an explicit sex scene.
- IRL - in real life.
Till next time... Bye!
-El x
This was so awesome! I laughed so much :D