Saturday, 16 January 2016

My Reaction To The Death Of Alan Rickman

I found out when I was sitting on the bus on my way home from school. I had had mocks (exams) that day and was glad to be going home. The girl I was sitting next to on the bus was scrolling through Instagram and came across a post, she read it and then said, "Aww, he died!" I turned to look at the phone screen in her hand. The post was captioned 'RIP Alan Rickman' with a picture of Alan beside a picture of Snape (who he portrayed in the Harry Potter movies). I was winded. Speechless. No words. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. The girl next to me continued scrolling through her feed and I began contemplating what I had just seen. A cruel internet hoax, perhaps? Alas, it was not. I came home and went to my room to take some time to get my head around it. I didn't even know the man, so why did it feel like I had lost a close friend? Maybe it's because of the role I knew him best for was Snape, from Harry Potter. After all I consider Harry Potter to be my childhood, perhaps that's why when Alan died it affected me so much? I had lost a piece of my childhood.

Then the messages from my friends came pouring in. One was going on and on about how painful it was and how upset she was while one of my other friends was in complete denial. All it took was one picture. The tears began spilling out of my eyes uncontrollably.

I spent the rest of my evening alone in my room with some form of grieving going on. Just scrolling through all the tweets from the Harry Potter cast and from others paying their respects. Later I built myself a blanket fort and sat with my laptop on my knees with a  Harry Potter movie playing on the screen. All I needed was a tub of ice cream and I would have been emo af. Damn my obsession with fandoms and fictional characters! Have I taken it too far this time? I mean like I said I didn't even know Alan... Well at least not personally, but I feel in a way I do know him just through the character he played... Too far? Im not crazy I swear, it's just a 'fangirl thing'! Perhaps I just tell myself that in order to preserve my already limited sanity? Either way for those of you who follow me on tumblr be prepared for endless unnecessarily depressing Snape posts, unless I actually get myself a social life (can you find them on eBay?)!

That is a brief summary of my reaction to the death of Alan Rickman. What was your reaction to the news and what is your favourite role he has ever played, let me know in the comments.

If you have any suggestions on what you want me to react to next, preferably something a little less depressing, then leave them in the comments

Anyway... until next time... Bye!

-El x

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